With the midterm elections over and the Obama/Pelosi/Reid policies clearly repudiated in the GOP/Tea Party tsunami, it is time to address Obama’s removal from office in a thoughtful reasoned manner.

An ineligible President cannot be impeached because he was never legally elected to office. A Poseur President either has to resign or be removed in some other fashion.

Obama has never been eligible to hold the office of President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world …Constitutionally reserved for those born of two U.S. citizens and on U.S. soil or a U.S. territory.

The undisputed facts are very clear.

1. Obama’s father was a British subject … no dispute there. Whether Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii is immaterial, PERIOD! His British father automatically disqualifies Barack Obama. No one, including Obama, disputes his father’s nationality.

2. His mother gave birth as minor, therefore she was not able to automatically confer her citizenship to her son. In fact, Obama’s father was a Natural Born British Subject by Common Law and the 1948 British Nationality Act.

Further referring to Obama’s mother:

The mandates of the Act of 1948 are clear, once an underage, then married wife of a British subject entered Canada to gain entranced to another colonial state in Kenya, flying through London of Britain, Stanley Ann Obama was a British wife, carrying a British child within her with full benefits and legal rights and responsibilities forever upon her and Barack Jr.

3. Argue, if you will that Obama was possibly born a dual citizen … it doesn’t matter and that’s why the MSM, most of the corrupt Congress, and the judiciary have remained silent.

Enough time has passed that we can ask and answer the following question, “with the exception of citizenry of the U.S., who in Congress and the Courts didn’t know Obama was ineligible to hold office?”

The answer is just about everyone knew Obama was ineligible, and that includes those clowns in the MSM, the cable news networks, and numerous talking heads and pundits on the Right and the Left.

Anyone holding a law degree knew, including 212 members of Congress, and paid talking heads like Jeffery Toobin, Joe Scarborough, Ann Coulter, Judge Napolitano, Jonathan Turly, Chris Matthews, John Dean, and JournnoListers across the country … all knew!

Today, a better question to ask  is who among our allies and enemies doesn’t know Obama is a fraudulent President?

This is from Pravda:

What we know for sure that makes aka Obama ineligible

There isn’t one single, credible source that has any concrete facts whatsoever, that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Here’s a surprise! Hawaii’s Department of Education has been unable to find AKA Obama’s Kindergarten records. By this time maybe you are no longer surprised.

Obama’s Noelani Elementary School Kindergarten records, oddly missing from the State of Hawaii Department of Education, is the first in a series of chronological “coincidences” that obscure AKA Obama’s history.

Although Obama has had a first-class education that spanned 25 years, there is only a single document that has ever been released, the application for entrance to the Franciscus Assisi Primary School (next item) — and that document was discovered by independent investigators.

This is from the European Union Times:

Entire US Government Said Knows Obama Ineligible For Office

Members from all three branches of the Federal government already know that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the office of President. National leaders, to include members of the US Supreme Court, already know that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States of America, and therefore, is ineligible for the office he currently holds. (See JB’s new article on The Bottom Line on Natural Born Citizen)

What they don’t know is how long it will take for most Americans to figure it out, or what to do about it.

The diversionary search for an authentic birth certificate is ongoing and Obama has now spent in excess of $2 million in legal fees to keep that search alive.

Eric Holder’s Department of Justice continues to deploy taxpayer funded attorneys around the country to file dismissals on behalf of Obama, denying all American citizens access to the courts as a peaceful remedy, which only fuels the fire of discontent and the questions about Obama persist.

Here’s another question. How long before allies and enemies of our country start using Obama’s illegitimacy for office against this country?

Did the thought ever cross your mind that maybe the reason those defensive missiles were removed from Poland and the Czech Republic was because Putin put an ineligibility gun to Obama’s head! BTW, Russia gains from a weakened American space program.  Another ineligibility gun?

Is that why Obama wants U.S. astronauts to hitch a ride with Russia on all future rides to the space station we built?

Remember every law, every treaty enacted, every action under Obama does not have the force of law because he was never legally eligible to hold office. This is an excerpt written by constitutional lawyer, Dr. Edwin Vieira, before the election in 2008.

As nothing but an usurper (if he becomes one), Obama will have no conceivable authority “to make Treaties”, or to “nominate and appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not otherwise provided for [in the Constitution]” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2). And therefore any “Treaties” or “nominations, and appointments” he purports to “make” will be void ab initio, no matter what the Senate does, because the Senate can neither authorize an usurper to take such actions in the first place, nor thereafter ratify them. One need not be a lawyer to foresee what further, perhaps irremediable, chaos must ensue if an usurper, even with “the Advice and Consent of the Senate”, unconstitutionally “appoint[s] Judges of the Supreme Court” whose votes thereafter make up the majorities that wrongly decide critical “Cases” of constitutional law.

This is from Dr. Kate’s blog …Make no mistake,

we are facing a corrupt judiciary, one which has scorned this constitutional question and laughed at avoiding it. We understand that the entire Congress willfully ignored their oath of office while others actively committed fraud against the American people and the 50 states. The fraud is deep and widespread, which means that we the people are going to have to enforce the constitution, and make them enforce it.

The world is watching. Either this is a nation of laws or it isn’t. If we don’t have the strength to enforce our own laws and respect our Constitution, why should anyone in the world respect us?

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