©2011 Hillarynme
Well, it’s official. Donald Trump sometime “Birther” and one time Presidential wannabe isn’t going to run for POTUS after all! Well, surprise, surprise, surprise! I’m not happy about writing this because I genuinely like Trump.

Donald Trump was in the position to have it all. He could have exposed the whole damn thing, When Trump brought up Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of POTUS he brought up a legitimate Constitutional issue.
Obama is ineligible to sit in the White House. He belongs in jail along with those who helped put him there. He’s a fraud and he and his supporters have always known that, so have countless members of Congress, talking heads on cable news programs, major news outlets , and judiciary including the Supreme Court.
The truth is when Team Obama released the second phony birth certificate a few weeks ago, Trump got punk’d by Obama and with the help of the (Soros/Journolister/Progressive controlled) major news outlets. Trump clearly didn’t have a plan B, unforgivable for a man who is savvy in so many ways. Obama gave Trump a one/two shot. First by actually releasing his so-called long form birth certificate (LFBC) and then by carving him to bits at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
The long form birth certificate is a joke. Obama just thumbed his nose at America, knowing no one will take him on. Trump was the only man who had a chance and he blew it. Whether he did it intentionally or not, the end result is the same.
Ironically, Trump held a trump card (no pun intended) with which he could have changed presidential history. What was the trump card? Four of Trump’s five children could not run for POTUS today, because like Obama they do not meet the requirement of Natural Born Citizenship. Like Obama one of their parents was not a U.S. citizen at the time of their births.
Obama’s father was a foreign alien who married Obama’s underage mother so he could get a green card. Trump’s four children share mothers who also were not U.S. citizens when they were born although they later became naturalized citizens.
Natural born citizenship requires that the person be born on U.S. soil (or a U.S. territory) and that BOTH parents are U.S. citizens at the time of the birth. Natural born citizenship cannot be conferred or acquired at some later date.
Four of Donald Trump’s five children do not meet this requirement (Ivana, Donald Jr., Barron, and Eric) because their mothers were born citizens of other countries. His daughter Tiffany, by Marla Maples, qualifies as a natural born citizen because both of her parents were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth.
Had Trump made these facts the centerpiece of his “search for the truth” surrounding Obama’s eligibility instead of the birth certificate, Obama was toast. How could Obama have run from these facts? He couldn’t. Checking the parentage of all of our presidents proves this point.
Trump had it within his power to right an incredible wrong, to defend the Constitution, and defeat Obama. He could have had it all!