Obama plainly has divided loyalties which he cannot divorce himself of. This is an observation not a criticism. Obama didn’t grow up as an American. Obama was born a British…
. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution
Obama plainly has divided loyalties which he cannot divorce himself of. This is an observation not a criticism. Obama didn’t grow up as an American. Obama was born a British…
This is akin to deeming Obama is a natural born citizen. It seems the Dems like to use the word deem in place of ignore. Nancy and her pals of…
Here's another really good question. If Pelosi, Reid, and the Democrats are determined to use any means possible to pass Obamacare, despite the fact that most of the citizens of…
Let me see, if I have it right, a new "grass roots" movement (can you spell ACORN or SEIU?) is arising in response to the wildly successful Tea Party Movement,…
Some things just speak for themselves. This is posted with little comment. Hat tip to Flopping Aces. The Anointed One, our faux executive in chief, could not contain himself ...…
Well, well, well ... the New York Times is discovering the importance of the Tea Party Movement, or so it was pronounced this morning on Morning Joe.
I don't watch Jon Stewart as much as I used to. There was a time when watching the Daily Show was almost a necessity. During presidential campaign he remained, for…
The last few days has shown the world that there is no gutter they won't get into, no evil or despicable act they will pass on, no lie too big…
Why should citizen journalists be heading to Massachusetts? Two reasons. 1. Because as Michelle Malkin and others are reporting, the thugs and thugettes from SEIU are being marshalled to go…
Blame it on Obama Outrage Fatigue or outright exhaustion from watching the most corrupt Congress in the history of the Republic ... I saw this at Flopping Aces yesterday and…