It isn't just that Obama was never eligible to hold the office of POTUS ... it isn't just the fraud associated with the 2008 election ... it isn't that fact…
. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution
It isn't just that Obama was never eligible to hold the office of POTUS ... it isn't just the fraud associated with the 2008 election ... it isn't that fact…
So who are you going to believe? How 'bout Michelle Obama? She should know where Obie was born; right?
File this under fools of a feather ... Al Sharpton and Alan Grayson.
I have repeatedly stated that Obama's citizenship status on the day he was born and his resultant eligibility questions to be POTUS would never go away. Read this latest search…
If you have been following the issues surrounding our faux President Obama (called that until he proves otherwise) , you know that FOX has been as complicit at covering and…
I’ve been watching the MSM and Sarah’s Palin’s critics dissect her resignation, knowing full well that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC Snooze, et al. wouldn’t have a single kind or impartial…
I wish I could say I’m surprised, but at my core I’m not. Looks like we’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. “Justice” in Obama Land means that thugs like the…
The MSM refused to listen . . . their own narrative was more important than a strong America and a free society . . . we tried warning you .…