OK, before anyone wants to jump ugly, let me tell you that I’ve adjusted the transmitter in my lower molar and the tin foil on my head,  and everything is fine.

Now that the sarcasm is over, let me tell you why I’m posting this.

While I was surfing the Net this morning I happened across this.  Believe . . . don’t believe  …. it doesn’t change the fact that there are interesting coincidences that surround our faux President, BHO.


Don’t know what Gematria is? If you watch the History Channel with any regularity you may have  viewed shows on the Bible Codes and how they work.  In some ways, it is fascinating stuff.


This is a description from one of the many websites you can Google.

Introduction to Gematria – Hebrew Numerology

In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalence of letters, words, or phrases, and, on that basis, gaining, insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas.

Here is a basic introduction to Gematria that discusses different systems for identifying the numerical equivalence of individual letters, how these letters can be calculated according to the implicit word-value of their names.

The assumption behind this technique is that numerical equivalence is not coincidental. Since the world was created through God’s “speech,” each letter represents a different creative force. Thus, the numerical equivalence of two words reveals an internal connection between the creative potentials of each one. (see Tanya, Sha’ar HaYichud VeHaEmunah, chapters 1 and 12.)

Now you know what I know  . . . like I said, Obama popcorn for spring day.

By mica

  1. See “Obama Popcorn Movie; Now Playing in Jerusalem”; uploaded, revised on July 29, 2009 by Photon03 on SCRIBD.

    Obama called ” Racist”in a rally in Jerusalem [A7News, July 28, 2009].

    The rest is recoreded in the revided SCRIBD upload.

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