Even some liberals say the McGinniss Sarah Palin book scrapes the bottom of the barrel of indecency by showcasing undocumented allegations from weak anonymous sources. Lloyd Marcus
Remember years ago we used to hear a lot about penis envy? It was a pseudo clever term used to describe women who supposedly behaved in a rude, obnoxious manner because of their jealousy, having been deprived a penis when they were born.
Today we need to scratch penis envy and make it Palin Envy. Make no mistake part of the reason the Obama butt kissing Progressives hate Palin is because she is everything they aren’t. These are angry, jealous, small minded people that are obsessed with her; ergo the Palin Envy.

She’s happy. has a life filled with children, a husband and life partner that is equal parts testosterone and loving family man. She is accomplished, loves her God, and her country.
In their poor, pathetic, empty little lives they run around preening themselves in hypocrisy, telling themselves how superior they are to middle America and all those who believe in American exceptionalism, God, the Constitution, and crave FREEDOM from the government’s interference in our lives.
Almost always these sufferers of Palin Envy have sour looks on their faces as they complain about Palin’s “short comings” and anything that doesn’t fit their narrative of socialist America.
All of which brings us to the sicko Joe McGinniss and his book, “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin.” Let’s start by saying that this book is so vile, so scurrilous and turgid with rumors that even the New York Times, Bill Maher, and Keith Olbermann are defending Palin (check and see if hell just froze over) and are on the record saying McGinniss has crossed a line! Looks to me like ole Joe is clearly suffering from Palin Envy.
What did Todd Palin think of McGinniss’ slanderous book?
“This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife,”
If you are looking for something insightful and new about Sarah Palin, forget it. You won’t find anything in it McGinniss book except caustic rumors designed to hurt the Palins.
Here’s a book with pages that can best be used to line canary cages. McGinniss is yet another D-Lister like Kathy Griffin, Tina Fey, and Katie Couric who have linked themselves to Sarah Palin and her family as a way to prolong their mediocre careers! They are all pathetic with needy, second rate minds.
Watch this disgusting hit piece run on The Today Show masquerading as “news” and ask yourself why did they even bother?