Now, combine her appearance with MSNBC’s reporting that the Kenyan birth certificate is a fake.  We look silly and we are making it harder for people to support our efforts.

While Team Obama and his minions in the MSM are laughing and mocking Orly,  the truth about Obama’s citizenship is being buried.  Obama isn’t a natural born citizen and it has nothing to do with where he was born as much as it has to do with the nationality of his parents.  Whether Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya is immaterial.  His father was a foreign national and his mother was too young to pass her citizenship onto her son; therefore BHO is not now or has ever been a natural born citizen. PERIOD!

The obsession about “why” Obama hasn’t produced the documents (we all know he should have) is little more than a magicians trick … here look at my left hand so I can use my right hand to fool you.  For those who are Hitchcock fans, the elusive birth certificate is a MacGuffin … a device used to take your attention away.

The single biggest obstacle to getting the message out about Obama’s ineligibility to hold the office of POTUS, is the lack of a credible spokesperson who can articulate what the REAL issues are.  Sorry, Orly may be passionate about the legal issues and the Constitutional crisis we are faced with, but she is the last person to be discussing these issues.

Why?  She is too easy to mock (remember what Jon Daily did with attorney, dentist, real estate agent), too emotional and at times rambling.  She seems incapable of reducing the key points about Obama’s eligibility into short concise soundbites that people can understand and remember! I hate to be so harsh, but I’ve seen her three times and each time the message was lost.

This  is a legitimate grass roots movement that is leaderless.  At this point, what is really needed is a PAC group to craft the real issues in plain English along with persons who can talk about the issues without getting caught up in the fluff.  The birth certificates, the announcements in the newspapers, Obama’s refuasal to provide any documentation showing his citizenship etc. ALL OF IT … IT DOESN’T MATTER!   Say it a hundred times, “the only thing that matters is Obama’s citizenship status on the day he was born!

We are up against one of the most sophisticated media/PR machines in the world, with CNN, MSNBC etc. happily playing their parts in the misinformation campaign, knowing full well that OBAMA is a fraud.  Holding the truth isn’t enough … it rarely is!

I’ve been in sales and marketing for over 25 years.  Here are three quick easy lessons:

  1. Perception is reality; in other words it doesn’t matter who you are or what your product, service, or message is.  What counts is what people think it is.
  2. It doesn’t matter what the truth is.  IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE TRUTH IS! What counts is what people think the truth is.
  3. Repeat a lie (slogan or phrase) often enough and it will soon become the de facto truth.

Our message needs to be short, concise, and easy to remember.

Here’s a final thought. Right now the MSM and Team Obama are defining us, hence the term “birthers” (short, concise, easy to remember) … we need to take control of the message and define ourselves so the country understands who we are and how important Obama’s faux presidency is.

By mica

  1. They use the word birthers to demean just like the White House is attempting to demean the people showing up at their town hall meetings by saying they are organized by the GOP, etc. It’s a way of dissing the public and making what they say less important.

  2. Didn’t you birthers ever take Civics in high school – if you even went to high school?

    The ridiculous concept about Obama’s father being from another country is irrelevant. Two illegal aliens could give birth in the U.S. – AND nevertheless, their child would be a natural born citizen.

    It does not matter where the parents are from; they could be from Mars and their U.S. born child could be our President, even if he looked funny.

    1. Barbara:

      I don’t know what Cliff Notes version of the Constitution you think you are quoting, but you a seriously wrong … or is it delusional? Barbara, did you skip your meds today?

  3. When I talk to people about this, they say ‘Are you crazy?, How could he possibly be elected to president of the US’ or ‘You lost, get over it’ or ‘You believe in conspiracies too, don’t you?’ and so on. But they have NO answers as to why he won’t show any documents. They stick their fingers in their ears so they can’t hear the questions they can’t answer. It’s as if they’ve been brainwashed. A jackass can see that he must be hiding something not to show ANYTHING about his past. Why is he spending hundreds of thousands to keep his past a secret? Are these leftists that stupid, not to be curious about this? It doesn’t matter if he was born here or not, what else is he hiding?

  4. If folks started a stampede to keep Orly Taitz off of the cable networks then there would be no spokes person to fill the gap. It’s easy to say “get her off” but then not do anything but leave a vacuum. I admire Orly’s gumption and persistence. So what if the “comics” make fun of her…it just shows their ignorance…same as it did with Sarah Palin. Until someone comes along to take up the slack, which I’m sure Dr. Taitz would like some help, then to muffle her is losing ground. The issue is compound and complicated. If it wasn’t, it would have already been settled.

    1. Lonni:

      Orly should consider taking herself off cable networks for the good of the movement. I admire her persistence as well, but we are engaged in a war of words and we are loosing … badly. Yes, on one level this is a complicated issue but on another level it is quite simple …. what was Obama’s citizenship status on the day he was born. Keep repeating that until it sinks in. That’s the heart of the matter.

      One of the reasons lawmakers and others don’t want to take up this issue is because the MSM has been so successful ridiculing the birther movement. No one wants to look foolish … so it matters big time if comics make fun of her. When they discredit Orly they discredit the birthers and bury the message. When you have Ann Coulter running from the issue you know how badly we are losing the war.

      We are engaged in a real war. This is about winning by any and all means … this is about getting our message out so even a ten year old can understand … so even the MSM can’t run from it.

      Here are some examples: When they say Obama is a citizen, we say Obama wasn’t born a natural born citizen … being a citizen isn’t the same as being a natural born citizen … it doesn’t matter if he was born in Hawaii or Kenya … both parents had to be U.S. citizens … it doesn’t matter what the birth announcements read … anyone can submit a birth announcement … birth announcements aren’t legal documents …. the birth announcements don’t change Obama’s citizenship status on the day he was born … when they say Obama’s momma was a citizen, we say, doesn’t matter … both parents had to citizens for him to be a natural born citizen. Get it … short and concise answers to the MSM propaganda.

  5. I agree Orley is not a good spokesperson. I admire her tenacity and spunk, but she doesn’t seem to understand “how it all works”, in the courtroom or out. Too bad.

    1. Alessandro:

      My point is we need to use tools that get our message out in a way the general public will understand.

      Right now many Americans think” birthers” are lunatics, racists, etc, etc, not because it is true, but because that is the version of “truth” that is being peddled by the MSM. Like I said, many times perception is reality despite the actual facts. I know you know this, it isn’t what is said, but how it is said that determines an outcome.

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