I remember the day JFK was shot in Dallas.  The same when when Bobby and Martin were assassinated.  I remember when man walked on the moon.  I remember Challenger exploding , O.J being acquitted and of host of other events both large and small … happy as well as sad.

But I don’t remember a time in my life when almost 2 million Americans from across the country descended on Washington for a peaceful protest against the policies of government.  One may quibble with the exact count, but you can’t quibble on its impact even if the major news outlets ignored the march.  It is this very belligerent act that continues to ensure that viewers will flock to FOX News.  These outlets are complicit in their own demise.  For every story they don’t report the bloggers and alternative news sources become stronger.  I’ve seen news outlets report on demonstrations when 30 people show up on a street corner, but 100’s of thousands of protesters get barely a blip!  Astounding!

This a was loose confederation of people from every walk of life, of every color and persuasion, former Democrats, independents, conservatives, Republicans, moderates …. all wanting their voices to be heard.  No astroturfers here, thank you very much!

You mean there wasn’t one human interest story in this throng of people that deserved on air time?  I’ve seen bears bouncing on trampolines and cats that play piano, but not a single story from the Obama Media Group on the 9-12 Washington March!


By any measure, this was an historic convergence of people filled with genuine emotion and love of this country … and filled with disdain for the current crop politicians parading around like ill tempered patricians.

Yesterday, while 2 million people protesting out of control spending, the government take overs of failing businesses, health care, etc., our faux President was talking in front of 15,000 supporters in Minneapolis.

Which story did CNN and MSNBC give maximum coverage to on Saturday?  As if I had to ask, right?  In fairness, apparently both old news media outlets briefly mentioned the protesters, but it was so brief I never saw the coverage.

obama-media-group (resized)

On Sunday morning, the lead story on MSNBC was Joe Wilson’s “You Lie!” comment and CNN led with the missing Yale co-ed.  It’s Monday am … no mention of the incredibly huge crowd on Morning Joe although I caught a snippet of the Geist show that precedes it.  Willie reported an estimate of the crowd size to be in the range of 60-70,000!

Not only can’t these two lame stream  media outlets report the news, it appears at least one of them can’t count either!


For more photos on the march see Stealth Fusion.

H/T to Constitutionally Speaking for the video and Free Republic for the Stealth Fusion link.


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