I happened to catch a segment on CNN this morning while channel surfing, the only way to find me on that network!
Seems CNN has “proved” the birthers are wrong. “There’s no merit to the Birther claims. Obama was born in Hawaii!”, the CNN talking heads chant offering little more than rhetoric to support the CNN narrative.
OMG, the LA Times, and the Baltimore Sun have joined the chorus...Oh, Joy!
The louder CNN screams it, the more evident it is. Obama is a fraud. Their one note story rings hollow. Ah, but why worry about such details, after all the American public will swallow anything we tell them, right? Obama’s in office, right?
It’s a bit like watching a cat cover up its sh*t, isn’t it?

I am beginning to think that Trump is toying with all the networks, talking heads, and politicians who insist on parroting that Obama is legitimately POTUS when it was clear many, many months ago that he is little more than a punk and a fraud. This morning I heard Trump talking about Obama’s college records. What’s that I hear? The sound of more sh*t being covered over!
The game plan, the one that is supposed to work is simple; confuse them with repetition, pretend that native, natural born citizen, and citizen are all the same. Most importantly, never mention the fact that Obama’s father was British born, a foreign national with no intention of ever becoming a U.S. citizen.
Never mention that BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born in order to be a natural born citizen and eligible for POTUS.