Is Obama Building a Case for War with Iran?
We've been down this road before haven't we, only last time it was Bush and Iraq playing cat and mouse. We said they had weapons of mass destruction, they said…
. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution
We've been down this road before haven't we, only last time it was Bush and Iraq playing cat and mouse. We said they had weapons of mass destruction, they said…
Herman Cain can become the Peoples President. Unlike Obama, Cain’s grassroots support is real not manufactured. Herman Cain crushed the so-called first tier candidates Mitt Romney (aka mittens) and Rick…
Florida has jumped on the Cain Train, and why not. Cain is everything Obama isn't, including being accomplished, genuine, thoughtful, and a real leader.e for president, Herman Cain, might just…
Isn't the TRUTH what we want from the people running this country ... what most of us want from our government, its official, the courts, and the media? What really…
I can't believe I once voted for this guy, defended him on occasion when I thought the MSM had unfairly characterized some of his comments about his having invented the…
Have you ever known someone in your life that is so tiresome, so tedious, so obtuse that you can barely say their name? Lately the mere mention of Obama and…
Actually, Standard & Poor, the U.S. rating agency being pummeled by the MSM isn't the first agency to downgrade this country's credit worthiness, It's the third!
The United States lost its top-notch AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor this evening. Obama is the first President in U.S. history to have this country's credit rating reduced…
(H/T) The Post & Email So not only does Obama not have a valid social security number and valid application, but his mother’s appears to be fraudulent as well. We…
The decision to go after Palin through her e-mails has turned into a "surreal colonoscopy that is backfiring". Much to the media’s chagrin, the emails show a serious and highly…