The Internet is all atwitter this morning … is the Obama Kenyan birth certificate real? Or, is Obama toast? As to be expected camps on both sides have their guns…
. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution
The Internet is all atwitter this morning … is the Obama Kenyan birth certificate real? Or, is Obama toast? As to be expected camps on both sides have their guns…
Bill Maher, in his LA Times piece, "Birthers Must Go" and with Joe Scarborough backing him up on his show this morning, proved once again that the birthers ... the…
When this has finally played itself out, I think we’ll find that the Obama birth certificate issue has been a brillant con job used to deflect attention from the real…
I don’t blame lawmakers for wanting to dodge reporters when asked about Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president. The way the MSM has intentionally marginalized, and narrowly defined…
H/T to Constitutionally Speaking where I first read this. I have taken the liberty to highlight page numbers and other sections of particular significance. Items highlighted in red are this…
Listen to what the MSM and pro Obama sites are NOT saying when they “report” on Obama’s birth certificate. Any media source that reports on the Obama birth certificate story…
Well, the cable networks are finally giving the Obama birth certificate/natural born citizen issues some air time. Right? Well, not exactly. Last week the words “Obama, ineligible to be president,…
Does anyone go to MSNBC for news anymore? Thought not. Why bother? Last week was a prime example. It didn’t matter what time of day you tuned in there were…
I’ve been watching the MSM and Sarah’s Palin’s critics dissect her resignation, knowing full well that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC Snooze, et al. wouldn’t have a single kind or impartial…
Well, here we go again, the Obama Administration is having trouble with that pesky document, the Constitution. But, should anyone be surprised? Why shouldn’t faux President Obama and his team…