Well, strike me down . . . MSNBC reported that my girl, Hillary has a higher approval rating that faux President Obama. Actually this info isn’t new, it was reported…
. . . thinking out loud about politics, the media, & the Constitution
Well, strike me down . . . MSNBC reported that my girl, Hillary has a higher approval rating that faux President Obama. Actually this info isn’t new, it was reported…
I wrote about my yellowjacket encounter in July '08. Thankfully, the post continues to draw attention. I am updating the post because you and your family need to know about…
On what planet do the people in the Obama Administration live? How (fill in the expletive of your choice) tone deaf can the Democrats and supporters of the Obama administration’s…
If you can believe it, this is from the Washington Post on 12/25/08 from an, as yet, unidentified writer. I mean there’s slobbering and then there’s SLOBBERING. Andrew Sullivan did…
Ok, boys ‘n girls, if this doesn’t scare the hell out of you, I don’t know what will. Know how we’ve been gently poking fun at the Obamabots, the Kool-Aid…
MSNBC is investigating allegations that Governor Sarah Palin has been caught ripping off “do not remove” pillow tags. Sources inside the Palin home spoke to MSNBC’s David Schuster, on the…
I was thinking about this, after learning that John McCain’s VP choice is Sarah Palin. Her story and credentials are very attractive and compelling. I say this as a supporter…
Ah, impeachment and sexual misconduct by a public official, apparently these warrant little or no coverage by the MSM unless there’s a Clinton involved. How else can you explain what…
What do yellow jacket stings have to do with politics, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Imus, etc.? Not a darn thing, but I was severely stung by them on Friday and I…