
No person except a Natural Born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President. Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution.

Can we all stop pretending Obama was ever eligible to run for the office of President?

He wasn’t. Obama is not now, nor has he ever been a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. His Presidency is a fraud and those who helped bring him into the White House are guilty of committing serious crimes against this country.

His birth certificate is a secondary issue. It is his father’s nationality at the time of Obama’s birth that determined his. His Kenyan father was a British subject. His mother too young to transfer her citizenship to her son, therefore Obama was born a British Natural Born Citizen.

One is a natural born citizen at the moment of birth with the family lineage or the bloodline of the father the prime determining factor of birthright and citizenship. To be a natural born citizen of the U.S. both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of a child’s birth.

A naturalized citizen is not a natural born citizen. Naturalized citizens, birthright citizens, and dual citizens cannot be President. Those in the media whose constant and incessant conflating of the terms naturalized and natural born citizen for the sole purpose of hiding the truth and keeping the Poseur Prez in office are bold face liars and hypocrites.

  1. Congress can hand out badges to Code Pink to enter the chambers, and they can hold up vile signs and yell and, hey, it's okay. Now Boehner is being blamed for yesterday's episode. Do you know if there is actual proof that Dunham was not of age, according to the Consitution? I've looked for documention but can't find it.

    1. Maggie:

      Dunham’s age when she gave birth has been presented as 17 by some and 18 by others. Finding “proof” is darn near impossible since so many of her records (like selected pages in her divorce decree, passport records in 1960, etc) have disappeared.

      There is also a school of thought that questions whether or not she even gave birth to BHO because as the reasoning goes, how was it possible for Stanley Ann to return to college classes just 3 weeks later. I’m going to stay with the assumption that Stanley Ann was his birth mother.

      The problem with passing her U.S. citizenship on to her son has to do with the residency requirements on the books at the time. Between December 23, 1952, and November 13, 1986. When one parent was a U.S. citizen and the other a foreign national, the U.S. citizen parent must have resided in the U.S. for a total of 10 years prior to the birth of the child, with five of the years after the age of 14. Stanley Ann didn’t meet these requirements.

      She would have been considered underage in 1961 when the age of majority was 21. Citizenship really is a complicated matter determined by a multitude of factors.

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