I began to blog in support of Hillary Clinton’s presidency in 2008. It has grown to cover a host of interrelated issues dealing with the media and the Constitution.
In the months that have passed since the MSM and DNC, Howard Dean and a host of other criminals selected the United States’ first faux president, Barack Obama, I had no idea that I would be witnessing the dismantling of our system of government as our Founding Fathers originally envisioned.
They saw a Republic where our laws outweighed the cult of personality of any one man.
The ideal . . . that all men and women are created equally under the law. They envisioned a Republic where the tyranny of any majority would not be able to trample of the rights of the minority, of the (possibly) despised, of the visionaries, of those with little power or influence.
We have witnessed a man, clearly ineligible to assume the presidency of this country under Article II, Section I of our Constitution, place his hand on the Lincoln Bible and swear the uphold the Constitution of our great country.
The fight now, is to regain our country, now in the grips of a sad perversion and a mind set that has placed one man, Barack Hussein Obama ahead of all that we profess to hold dear.
I remain a political moderate . . . as hard on the convoluted idiocy of those on the left as I am on those on the right, and all those in between. I am particularly annoyed at those who talk big while demonstrating their inability to think anything but tiny little thoughts.
America is divided enough, no thanks to the selfishness of the two political parties and the MSM that feeds their gluttony. Watching the hypocrisy & cowardice of the MSM during the 2008 election has given me a harder edge in my assessment of those who run for office and run this country.
Nothing can be more important our ability to reach out to each other and share our opinions. We don’t have to agree with each other on every point, but if we don’t take the time to listen, particularly to those whose opinions (we think) will be offensive we might as well live our lives in the echo chambers the MSM has designed us for.