You may have missed this last week on MSNBC.  But it’s not surprising.  I mean, really, who watches MSNBC anymore?

There simply is no polite way of stating this.

Chris Matthews just may be the biggest liar in the MSM.  Matthews’ latest harangue on Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of POTUS reached a new low last week when he slammed Birthers, yet again.  Cheap shot Matthews took his worn-out racist paintbrush and accused Birthers of trying to assassinate Obama  with lies about his citizenship. Yup, that’s right we’re all lying!

If one wanted to use an emotionally charged word, I can think of no better word than assassinate.  Hey, just for the heck of it, remember when Olbermann went off on Hillary for using that word when talking about Bobby Kennedy?  He went crazy … he thought its use was crass and low!

The question today isn’t whether Obama is eligible to hold office … the question is who doesn’t know Obama is a fraud and never eligible to hold office.  Ah, but never let the facts get in the way of MSNBC, Olbermann, Matthews, et al.

While you watch the video, listen carefully to what Matthews doesn’t say.   He never mentions Obama’s citizenship was governed by his father (British) when he was born. He never uses words like dual citizen or natural born citizen. Instead, he conveniently slips in the term native born citizen (not the same as natural born citizen and he knows it) … this is a verbal trick, a verbal slight of hand that the general public is presumed to be too dumb to pick up.

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I happened across this a few minutes ago on World Net Daily.  It appears Matthews has faulty memory when it comes to Obama’s citizenship.  During  the December 18, 2007 edition of Hardball, Matthews clearly defended Obama’s Indonesian birth!

Matthews continued: “But didn’t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots?  So, what is she up to here?  Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?”

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