Elections are serious business. The 2014 midterm elections will have serious consequences for both parties and the citizens of this country.

Many believe that there is nothing more dangerous than an uneducated voter, and with good reason.
Casting your vote isn’t about helping the red team or the blue team win. Too many people cast votes like those voting for the next high school prom king or queen. Remember the following:
Talk is cheap. It’s results that count, not rhetoric and not party. The candidate you are voting for has either kept their promises or they haven’t. Either your life is better because of their policies or it isn’t.
Excuses, excuses; if the candidate you are voting for was the coach of a college or pro team would hire or fire them for the job they did? If they couldn’t show leadership the first time around what makes you think another term will be any different?
You could be voting against your own self interests. If you haven’t spent at least 30 minutes identifying the key issues per candidate, maybe you shouldn’t vote. You cheat yourself and your family by relying solely on political ads and funny-men; neither are impartial.
Nix because as a reason to cast your vote. Never vote for someone because he or she is the first (fill in the qualifier here) anything! Real accomplishments count, not skin color, gender, religious affiliation or political party.
Who can you trust? Candidates who use “politically charged” rhetoric to divide groups cannot be trusted.
These are people interested in themselves and their own agendas. They are not interested you or your family. There is nothing wrong with remembering the past, but using the past like a club is divisive and wrong.
If the Republicans win the most Senate seats and regain control of the Senate, Harry Reid the man who has single-handedly blocked over 352 bi-partisan bills passed by the House will be Chief Obstructionist no more.
For those who don’t know, it takes both houses of Congress to pass a bill. Reid’s refusal to let bills out of committee is one of the prime reasons legislation and this country has ground to a halt.
If the Democrats keep control of the Senate, count on more stagnation and more of the same ole same ole.
We need candidates who genuinely want to bring the country together. This county deserves better than it has gotten from its elected officials in the last 30 years. We all deserve better! Your informed vote can make the difference.